Andy Mossack Travel Writer and Broadcaster
Andy Mossack is an award-winning travel writer based in the UK. He is also the founder of TripReporter, the free luxury travel review site exclusively written by professional travel writers.
This is where the magic happens. Where travel opportunities present themselves, unusual travel destinations are uncovered, quirky and imaginative people are revealed and, more often than not, a wider appreciation of all the things which make travel, travelwriting and exploring our planet, so worthwhile.
Perhaps you work in tourism and need me to come and visit for a travel review. Good coverage for your destination is so important to drive traffic and he offers numerous outlets to do just that. Then again, you might be a hotel owner or restauranteur seeking a mystery visit or some advice on how to improve your business.
You can also listen to clips from my popular BBC radio series “Where in the World is Andy” and listen to me “NIght Shifting” on Becky Want’s Late Show on BBC Radio as well as examples of my other appearances on radio and TV across the UK and the World.
The Late Show Night Shifters
Late night chat on some fun topics from the news this week.
Calling in from Lugano